Technology - webinar Roundtable

Understand your customer in unprecedented times to deliver personalized experience

22nd June 2020 | 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST | 1 hour and 30 minutes
In Partnership
How can you leverage your customer data to retain and stay connected to customers?

Join other senior thought leaders on this webinar discussion as we dedicate 90 minutes to answering one of the most valuable questions in business today…

Retail businesses are facing the challenge of rapidly understanding and adapting to evolving customer demand.

Research tells us customers crave personalization and, in order to make purchases, they want businesses to cater to them and adapt to their ever-changing needs.

In fact, 72 percent of consumers say they now only engage with marketing messages that personalized and tailored to their interests (Smarter HQ 2019).

Retailers are no stranger to this, with 79 percent already investing in personalization, the most of any industry (Smarter HQ 2019).

That said, getting a true view of your customer is no mean feat, particularly with the challenges the current business environment presents. Siloed data sources and the lack of ability to personalize across all engagement channels are holding retailers back from scaling their efforts.

So, how can you get a deeper understanding of your customers in this unprecedented situation? What steps need to be taken to deliver an end-to-end experience, offering personalized interactions across all touchpoints? And how can unifying customer data across multiple systems unlock actionable insights?

Join Microsoft and a group of retail thought leaders for a webinar exploring how to democratize and leverage your customer data and utilize AI to better serve your customers in the rapidly evolving retail industry.

Discussion Topics

Drive loyalty by using your customer data to deepen and personalize customer relationships
Evolve personalized experiences for customer engagements
Activate insights to deliver ROI

Your Host

Thought Leader
Travis Walter GM Worldwide Retail Stores, Microsoft
As General Manager of Worldwide Retail Stores, Travis Walter is responsible for growing and managing Microsoft… Find out more

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